News of NorthWestIberiaWineTours
Although the hotel has been open some time, and with several flying visits with friends under my belt, this was the first time I was able to enoy the place in a relaxed and unhurried manner. The building itself is a tastefully restored quinta or country residence. The beautiful location, in the Rías Baixas Salnés…
Though most people would be inclined to do this kind of thing during the warmer months of the year, a group of us this morning bravely donned duffle coats, mufflers, mittens and woolly hats to brave a bitingly cold Ria de Arousa. Our host was Gabi Comojo of Amare Turismo Náutico. We set out from…
We all know that Spain has ruled the haute cuisine roost in recent years, deftly displacing the French from the top perch. This culinary prominence has brought about an astonishing revolution in the development of food products aimed at the kitchens of feted michelin star chefs like Joan Roca, Carme Ruscalleda and others. According to…
WINE PARADISE Spain is thought to be one of the oldest wine producing countries in the world and one with deeply rooted wine making traditions. In terms of vineyard surface area it is the largest in the world and the third largest wine producer after France and Italy. These ancient traditions can be attributed to…
Yesterday I had the good fortune to be invited to a business lunch at Fillaboa, a winery very close to the Portuguese border at Salvaterra do Miño. Fillaboa means good daughter in the Galician language. As far as vineyards in this part of the world go it’s quite a big one, seventy odd hectares enclosed…